In addition to development, I have provided consultancy services to over 15 companies, primarily focusing on database programming and performance, database migrations with a specialization in PostgreSQL, and the utilization of Open Source software and Linux.
As a trainer, I have conducted over 200 courses, both onsite and online, for companies and public institutions. My current areas of expertise in training include, software development, database systems and machine learning.
Recent Events
☑ October 23, 2024 at 20:00 CEST
For the Socraten Meeting series, I’ve presented a talk about:
OpenBSD: Sicurezza e libertà senza seguire la massa (italian)
The recording of the live stream is available
on Youtube.
☑ October 26, 2024
For the Linux Day 2024, I’ve presented a talk about:
Running your own FOSS LLM (german italian)
The content of the talk is in my blog (english).
☑ November 8 and 9, 2024
I’m a sponsor of the:
South Tyrol Free Software Conference (SFSCON)
The event was highly successful!
☑ December 5, 2024 at 18:30 CEST
For the NOI Software Developer’s Thursday series, I’ve given a talk about:
How to create a chess engine in Go (english)
Thanks to everyone who joined the event in presence. We had a lot of fun!
NOI has uploaded a video to their YouTube channel,
enjoy me blundering a mate in one.